Harkas Midworldian

The midworldians are the most common subspecies of Harkas in existance, as well as the first.    The midworldians are, notably, the closest to the original form that they were created in. They thrive within the habitable radius of the star, Beta Targos, having constructed many cities out of various biological materials. Like all the other spacebound harkas subspecies, their large, wing-like body part actually functions like a radiator.   During their very early history, some individuals have decided to venture away from the habitable radius, giving rise to the outerworldians and Innerworldians. They did this for various reasons, such as to escape from predators and out of curiosity. They also found out that some unwanted microbial organisms would be killed if they ventured far from the habitable radius, so this also helped with curing some sicknesses. Many have also settled on some planets, like Panagia and Binary Targos. Most of these attempts would initially just result in death, but others have seen success in hiding from predators due to approaching these planets closely, as predators would also risk themselves if they entered the atmosphere.   For propulsion, midworldians relied mainly on their microbiome. Some symbiotic bacteria would evolve to withstand similar conditions as their host, and when fed a measure of material, would sometimes excrete highly powerful photons, which can be steered by the Harkas into tight beams of energy. As photons have momentum, this would also push the person forward. The bacteria would be capable of metabolizing individual quantum particles. In return, the microbe would gain a place to reproduce, and even be passed on intentionally to any harkas offspring so that they can change velocity. This microbe required a specific compound that the harkas body manufactures and stores. Interestingly, this compund would not require a massive amount of energy from the body to manufacture as the microbe breaks it down further than the atomic scale. This material is produced in the first place by a different species of microbe that inhabits the star. Using the extreme energy of fusion reactions, they excrete this high power compund as waste, to be absorbed by some space-borne producers.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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