Harkas Innerworldian

Subspecies of Harkas who have evolved in space conditions to survive in the area inside the habitable zone, where it is normally too hot for life to survive. Although this classification is usually reserved for the spacefarimg lifeforms, it is also common to refer to all subspecies within the inside of the habitable radius.   Innerworldians have larger radiators. When they cool down, they often turn away from the sun so that fewer rays hit their body, while they still emit heat at the same rate. They have evolved to function with a much higher body temperature, about 200°C, which is much higher than the boiling point of water. Innerworldian physioogy has become dependent on the extremely hot temperature, so they couldnt enter the habitable radius without support. However, they have engineered colony lifeform-like 'suits' which retain their heat excellently, allowing modern innerworldians to visit the midworlds or even the outerworlds (of the Beta Targos System).   As they slowly evolved to travel closer and closer to the star, they depended less on water and more on other chemicals. Despite this extreme change to their physiology, the general body plan has not changed significantly other then being slightly larger than an average Midworldian and with a mugh larger radiator to body size ratio. When they retract their radiators, the outside is reflective and radiative, allowing them to cool even in the very hot conditions. They also have a faster metaboism. Producers produce more energy in this environment, so the larger species have more energy and food. This gives their bodies access to more energy but means they require more food.   The method that innerworldians use for propulsion is more complex than that of both Midworldians and Outerworldian. As innerworldians have acess to more energy, they can afford a method that uses more energy, but they require one witha faster raction time and larger acceleration to retreat from predators more effectively. As such, they rely on a number of fusion thrusters at the ends of their tails that use deuterium fuel. Deuterium is used because it is easier to get it to react, providing them with a fast reaction time. These thruster organs are supplied deuterium via a large internal organ that produces it from hydrogen via fusion. By exploiting symbiosis with Astromoeba, they are capable of sustaining this fusion. This does mean that they require hydrogen fuel though, which is obtained from several sources such as space dust, the star and from food. The digestive system is designed to harvest H2 molecules which are then sent to the fusion organ with Astromoeba symbiosis.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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