True Harkas

The Harkas species originated as a precursor faction, however, none of their assets are left behind following the events of the Starsong incident as all biological life was eliminated during the incident.   The True Harkas made an agreement with the Cynar to make one of their Cyber Spheres re-seed their species after the incident. This cyber sphere in question was Binary Targos. Despite their extreme differences, both precursor factions have formed alliances with each other and have become quite close.   The original Harkas were much more powerful than current however. Their hivemind ability allowed them to communicate superluminally and even take control of other's bodies, but that was limited to about 3 different individuals simultaneously. They also had psionic powers, allowing them to engineer organisms that could utilise such powers. Some of their bioships could, for example, use psionics to destroy gluons in a target, causing them to undergo a nuclear explosion, even in objects such as Scattershapes.   The original harkas species was a spaceborne creature that could vary uts heat dissipation massively due to the use of a QEN - like symbiotant that allowed them to radiate a perfect amount of heat from their radiator regardless of incomming ray intensity. These required a fair amount of energy, but allowed them to survive in both the outerworlds and innerworlds of almost any star system if they wanted to.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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