InterGalactic Warp Drive IGWD Technology / Science in THF Universe | World Anvil

InterGalactic Warp Drive IGWD

Very advanced form of warp drive as used by the Hyperion Federation.   Miniature black holes can rarely be created via quantum foam but have an extremely short lifespan, they will decay in an extremely short time. If quantum tunneling occurs it can become a micro wormhole, with a randomized destination anywhere in the universe. Micro-wormholes are created to every location but decay almost immediately as they are still black holes. Using Hypermatter, the wormhole can be stabilized and have a lifespan of several seconds. Hypermatter is extremely energetic and requires a megastructure to create, specifically a ring world (a Dyson Sphere would work too) around a star with a synchrotron. However, the wormhole currently is too small to fly into and will decay in a few seconds so another hypermatter particle is sent through because of its sheer mass and can warp the wormhole, expanding it.   One problem is that the wormhole destination is randomized and the probability that it will end up in the desired galaxy, or a galaxy at all is extremely small. It is not possible to inject hypermatter into every wormhole because there is not enough for all wormholes. Wormhole destination precognition is used with 2 main components: the future gizmo and the present gizmo, the future gizmo can observe the location of a wormhole in its own present, relative to it's own point if view, and send a message to its past, to the present gizmo, to tell the hypermatter injector the exact desired wormhole. It can only scan destinations at a finite, though very large range so the IGWD does not have infinite jump range; it does however have a very large jump range.   To find a suitable wormhole for all this the ship must wait a while or it can find a black hole. The hawking radiation and intense subspace warping and extremely large rotational momentum can all increase the quantity of quantum field fluctuations and thus the amount of micro black holes.   So an IGWD could effectively be split into several main components, the hypermatter injector/container, the precognition machine, the wormhole expander.   Such a device would, theoreticaly, be able to travel through time. However, the drive does not take into account the expanded space. The risk of warping in and immediately exploding or imploding is quite high. Additionally, the HF is well aware of the dangers of time travel. The Federation actively attempmts to prevent all attempts of time travel and watches over IGWDs in particular very closely.


Can just be replicated. But will need hypermatter inserted into it.
Access & Availability
Extremely impractical for civilian use. Its like owning a supercarrier engine but having nothing to use it for. Also, the hypermatter requirement would make it unusable for a civilian. If someone wants to travel between galaxies, use the Intergalactic Gates.

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