Lambda Jaranais VIII

Ice giant planet located in the Lambda Jaranais System, owned by the Karnol Caretakers.   This ice giant has an extreme axial tilt, almost 90 degrees. This causes unique weather patterns on this world, and it features a strange dark spot that disappears and reappears every few years. This is the largest feature and can be easily seen from orbit. The world has a visible deep blue colouration from orbit.   The Caretakers do still exploit this world of course. They set up several ice giant space elevators that orbit the world. These are similar to hydrogen gas collectors that many factions set up on gas giants. However, as ice giants are comprised of heavier elements such as oxygen, they are much less viable to perform fusion self-powering on. To fix this, they also take material from the upper layers (which are comprised of hydrogen) in smaller, separate sections of the space elevator. This supplies the stations with enough hydrogen to power themselves under fusion.   These heavier elements are less valuable than large amounts of raw hydrogen though. Fusion with oxygen is far less energy positive - and is hard to perform - than with hydrogen to oxygen. Due to this, the gas lifting industry on ice giants is smaller than that of gas giants, but remains area dense due to the comparatively small size of ice giants.
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