Lambda Jaranais V

Large gas giant planet in the Lambda Jaranais System, owned by the Karnol Caretakers.   Lambda Jaranais V is the largest planet in the system. It is relatively hot in comparison to habitable worlds despite its large orbital radius. This is due to the sheer intensity of the star, which is spectral class B. This gas giant then has highly powerful winds. The surface is covered with a large amount of storms, which can tear almost all spacecraft of the KC apart. This makes it difficult to take hydrogen from, but it is still exploited by larger gas giant harvesting stations. These are built to be especially strong, and able to withstand much stronger winds than this planet can produce. Although it has fewer of these stations, it has larger ones so it still has a similar hydrogen output. These stations are also defended with turrets, in case of invasion by other factions or if something directly threatens the stations themselves.   Orbiting the gas giant are also a large number of defence platforms and starship dockyards, allowing it to respond to long range threats and to refuel KC military starships. Like most gas giants, Lambda Jaranais V also has a large number of moons orbiting it, which are also often mined. All of these are slightly hot barren worlds that contain several types of resources unique to each moon.   It also has a number of habitation stations orbiting it. The Caretakers designed these to be armoured and structurally strong. Millions of Gagarags live on these stations.
Location under
Owning Organization


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