Lambda Jaranais IX

Very cold rocky planet in the Lambda Jaranais System.   This planet is the 9th from its star, making it very cold. Although the planet has few features because of this, it can still be considered fairly valuable as it has exploitable ore of various metals, although not as rich as the lava planets in the system, it is much safer as there are very few tectonic events. The planet also has 2 small moons. These do not have a strong impact on the tides of the world as they are relatively light.   The planet does have a defining feature though, that being its core. The core of the planet is cold enough to be considered almost inactive, and large. Due to this, The Caretakers have been mining the core of this otherwise mostly useless planet. The caretakers do not allow Gagarags on the planet. The planet is extremely cold and a gagarag will freeze to death almost instantly. Additionally, there is little of cultural value here other than maybe the core extraction facility and space elevator (which are present on other planets).
Location under
Owning Organization


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