Lambda Jaranais System

Star system located in the Onearis Galaxy and owned by the Karnol Caretakers.   The star is a very bright class B main sequence star. Although it rapidly burns its hydrogen fuel to remain very bright, this star would still have millions of years left of its life. The intense brightness of the star makes it highly useful to the KC. By capturing its energy output, it can produce a large amount of energy for the KC. Due to its importance, The Caretakers have defended the system well with a large automated fleet and a lot of defence platforms. It is also protected from Subspatial Starships with subspace detectors, and shielded from superweapons with a Stellar Shield. Although the stellar shield effectively takes a lot of energy from the star, the KC recognised the sheer importance of this system.   This system is also home to a large population of Gagarag, despite there being no habitable planet. The caretakers set up a lot of habitats for the gagarag, in case a large amount of KC territory is destroyed by some superwepon (that cannot target Lambda Jaranais). Of course, the system has multiple lava planets that are mined by the KC too.
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization


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