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Moatā (ˈmoɐtɑː)

Gund ga, pūvot stāś hū.
— Motto of the Moatran Republic
  The sprawling nation of Moatā, founded around 2300 years before the modern era. Considered one of the leading nations of music and healing in the world, it has a long and storied history.   Currently a republic, with the last monarch to hold power being Rùjra Kùr. The current "monarch" is Rāj Śaņukhuv. Strongly associated with the element of earth, Moatā boasts a sizable population of earth elementals and elves.  


Magic is an omnipresent force in Moatā. Everyone has at least some familiarity with it, and even children are taught how to wield it from a young age. Not everyone is necessarily skilled at wielding it, of course, as surely as some people are better musicians than others. But everyone at least has a basic understanding of the principles of magic and music.    


  The Moatran people are renowned for their charisma and personability. They highly respect the arts, and commonly revere artists. Theatre productions are the most popular form of entertainment, though the relatively wider accessability of movies has created some fierce competition in recent years. Moatā is often considered the best place to go if one wishes to make it as any sort of artist, as they have many protections in place to ensure artists can ply their craft in relative peace and comfort.   Moatrans are also the leading experts on healing magic, and as such erstwhile healers tend to flock to their universities in order to learn medicine and healing.   Unfortunately, the prevailing culture of Moatā still holds some stigma towards mental illness, with many people romanticising it as a necessary component of beautiful art. There's a saying among certain peoples outside of Moatā: "if a Moatran says they are fine, they are a liar." They also tend to lack much training in how to handle vision problems, as pavonini, the cultural majority of the nation, are incapable of being blinded.

Demography and Population

Moatā boasts a fairly diverse population, with the Pavonini being the most numerous of all. It's a very urbanized nation, with a whopping 77% of the population living in the cities as opposed to more rural areas. They also boast one of the highest literacy rates in the world, with an estimated 95% of the population being literate. Many attribute this to Moatā's educational system, which has resulted in a few different nations attempting to emulate it to varying degrees of success.  


Moatā covers a fairly large range, from the The Jungle of Blood to the south, to the Hiibàj Tshi in the north. The more humid areas around the Jungle of Blood and Greenwyrm Jungle often find themselves beset by various mosquito-borne illnesses during the warmer seasons.


The Moatran military was once a fearsome force to be reckoned with. Nowadays, while it isn't exactly weak, it is no longer the strongest one around. They focus mostly on land-based combat, having almost no real navy to speak of. They have always prioritized siege weaponry, giving them a reputation for being able to break through anyone's defenses practically on a whim.   The main bulk of the army is comprised of a fairly even mix of draftees and volunteers, with draftees typically being drawn from the ranks of criminals. Serving out a sentence with military service is considered an alternative to sitting in jail, and for many it's a very welcome alternative. Doubly so given how little the army has been needed in recent years.   Attaining a higher rank is typically done by various aptitude tests. It's said that there is a "hidden" aptitude test, based on the fact that most of the time one isn't even considered eligible to take the aptitude tests unless one has distinguished oneself in the line of duty.


The Order of the Natural World is the main religion of Moatā, but there isn't really any law or rule stating everyone must follow it. Elves often follow their own native religion, or combine it with the Order. The two faiths do share some similar basic principles, and it's believed that some syncretizing has actually happened over the centuries.

Trade & Transport

Most trade ends up happening in three cities: the capital, Gajagalli, Zàkl, a city located on the border Moatā shares with Kr̊anme, and Jdatr, a city close to the border with Sitorhia.


Formal Education in Moatā

As one, united and free

Founding Date
2400 years before the Common Era, year 2093 of the Era of Wind
Geopolitical, Republic
Predecessor Organizations
Moatruch, Moatran
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Jdatr, Çochu, Zàkl, Gakot
Moatran Currency
Major Exports
lumber, textiles, and enchanted items
Major Imports
luxury goods
Legislative Body
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Items


Tense peace



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