Albee Goodsmith (al-bee)

Master Albee Goodsmith

Albee Goodsmith is a Dwarf of the Clan Hardhelm who has sworn to protect and defend the Springfield family from all harm. He works as the smith, stabler and farrier for the Troll's Head Inn in the City of Rolar.   In the 14 years of association that Albee has had with the Springfield family, he has come to the conclusion that he cannot support all the efforts being made by his Clan, the Hardhelms in regard to harassing and bullying the local Redfist clansmen.  Albee is of the considered opinion that the Warden, Sherriff and local leadership in the Ward are doing a damn good job.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short (even for a Dwarf) and stout, hugely muscled.  Broad chest and shoulders.  Scarred hands and arms.

Facial Features

Brown hair streaked with grey, tied into a huge, thick que.  Beard is brown and grey, trimmed to a point in the middle of his chest.  Bright green eyes and a big warm smile.

Physical quirks

Walks with a pronounced limp in his left leg, resulting from an injury sustained while fighting a troll.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Albee was fighting with the Rolar Legions during an orc invasion 14 years earlier.  During the fighting, his unit became separated from the rest of the army, and was about to be overrun by a large number of orcs and trolls.  Albee was hit with a blow to his leg, knocking him off his feet and into the midst of many trolls.  He was stunned by the blow that felled him, but he was able to see that a particularly large troll was poised to kill him (and presumably to eat him, from the way it was drooling).  Just as the killing blow was about to fall, a tall Human ran into the mix, swinging a huge spiked war axe.  The man drove the spike of the axe into the troll's forehead, imbedding all 11" of hardened steel into the troll's brainpan.  The blow killed the troll, but the swing of the troll's mace was already in motion, and the man was dealt a brutal blow by the falling stone mace.   Both Albee and the Human were recovered and taken to the rear for healing.  Albee learned the man's name was Brad Springfield, an inn-keeper from the city of Rolar.  Albee recovered from his wounds, carrying only a limp into his later years.  Brad was more seriously injured, however.  His back and hips were severely damaged, and the pain stayed with him for the rest of his life.  In thanks for saving his life, Albee swore an oath to serve and protect Brad for the rest of Brad's life, and his family's lives should he die.   Brad died seven years ago, but Albee is still fulfilling his oath by serving and protecting the Springfield family.  He runs the inn's stables, forge and farrier shop, and continues to make sure no harm ever comes to his charges.


Master Smith, Stabler and Farrier.  Muscle and brawn behind the Troll's Head Inn, sworn to protect the Springfield family.

Morality & Philosophy

Albee will do whatever it takes to keep the Springfield family safe and healthy.


Albee hates trolls.
Date of Birth
December 20
Hontrim, Gorgomoth
Current Residence
Brown going to grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
165 lbs
Dwarven Religion
Other Affiliations