City of Rolar

The City of Rolar is the seat of the Ward of Rolar and the largest population center in the Ward at 9,500 souls. It is located on the banks of the Rolar River, where much of the commercial and agricultural traffic moves into and out of the Ward. The city is a busy and dynamic community and much (indeed, most) of the trade coming into and going out of the Ward passes through here first.  The City is governed by the Warden of Rolar, Rory Broadshield and the Lord Mayor of Rolar, Martin Westin.   The city has recently completed the Great Gate on the western approach through the city's walls and is the largest (by far) stone structure in the city. The Great Gate houses a Company of Dragoons and a Scout Company as its garrison and is also the headquarters for the Watch Commander of the City, Kenner Paige. With the completion of the Great Gate, the city's walls are complete and fully manned at all hours of the day and night.


Fully half the city's population is Halfling, with Humans making a large minority and Gnomes filling in the rest.  Less than 50 Dwarves call the city home.


City Watch is made up of one full Scout Company, two full Companies of the Regent's Yeoman Archers and one full Regiment of Dragoons, all led by Kenner Paige, the Watch Commander of the City.  In addition to the standing forces, all residents of the City of Rolar are required and expected to be fully able to defend themselves and their homes in the event of attack.  Thus, it is quite common to frequently see residents walking the streets of Rolar wearing long knives, short swords or even axes.

Industry & Trade

The city's largest industry by far is transportation.  From ship to wagon to handcart, goods and produce are moved into and out of the city by the tons each and every day.  Ancillary industries such as ship building, barrel making, pottery and glass makers, carters and wagoners, stockmen, and all sorts of repair services and farrier shops are also plentiful.


The majority of streets and roads within the walls are paved, and the few that aren't are well-graded gravel roads that allow all forms of traffic to move at a fast and efficient pace in any weather.  The city has several powerful natural springs within the walls that provide an abundance of pressurized water to more than half the structures in the city.
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