Kraken's Heart Inn

The Kraken's Heart Inn is a large, three-story in located in the Basville District of Aramor near Tavern Square.  It is owned and operated by Harpon Marin, a veteran seaman and Kraken hunter that retired after a devestating injury while harvesting a Kraken.  The Inn's name is a pun on an old seamans saying that giant kraken have no heart (which is not, literally, true, of course).   The Inn has a very nautical aspect to its ambiance, with plain, stone-scrubbed and swabbed flag floors, much use of heavily tarred wood and line for both furniture and decoration, and meals have a real taste of the sea to them.  One of the Inn's most popular dishes is a sea pie made of salt pork and onions packed in layers and baked to perfection.  Soup and tack is also a very popular dish.  The favorite drink offered at the Inn is a sweet grog made from the juice of the broomcorn plant that is widely grown in the interior of the County.  A half of a sea pie, a large bowl of soup and tack, or a large pint of the strong, sweet grog will each cost a guest two pense (roughly $2)   The Kraken's Heart offers rooms, baths, meals and some supplies for travellers and is a popular eating and drinking establishment for many locals, as well.  They have a small stabe that can accomodate 4 horses or 6 ponies, and there is a very good farrier just a few hndred feet away.  Harpon is on hand to assist guests and patrons at all times, and his services are fast, fair and affordable.  A bed is one silver piece, a room is two pieces, a room with meals is 2s10p, a room with meals and a bath is 3 pieces, and a stall in the stables is an extra 20 pense.

Purpose / Function

The Kraken's Heart is a popular and busy inn located in the Basville District of Aramor.


A large three-story structure of timber frame and daub finish with glazed windows throughout.  There are well-laid flagstone floors on the first floor and fine-dressed (and spotlessly swabbed) pine floors on the upper stories.  The main dining area is the common room, which is large and has two walls facing the street where many paned windows bring in vast amounts of sunlight each morning.  Baths and a small stable are located in the back wing of the building.
A view of the common room at the Kraken's Heart
Parent Location
Owning Organization
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