Briar's Keep

The Briar's Keep is the official residence of the Briar of Southridge. It is, in actual fact, a tower on the city wall overlooking the Mill Run creek. It has no entrance to the exterior of the wall, but there are small barred windows looking out through the wall since the tower was turned into a residence. The main entrance (known as the formal entrance by the Briar) is actually on the top of the wall, where the wall walk access passes through the tower itself. There is a small, heavily guarded postern entrance at the ground level, however, used primarily for supplies and staff.

Purpose / Function

Initially the tower was built as a defensive structure and was part of the city wall garrison.  Over the last century, it has been rebuilt as a residence and office for the Briar of Southridge.


The Briar's keep can be divided into two sections:  the rooms below the top of the city wall, and the rooms above the top of the wall.  The rooms above the wall are the official residence of the Briar, with offices, solars, a small hall and three small bedrooms.  Below the wall top are the kitchens, baths, pantries and store rooms that keep the Briar's household operating.


Built of the same grey granite that the rest of the city wall is made from, the Keep's arched windows are glazed in fine flat glass, the doors are oak and the floors are white pine.
A view of the Briar's Keep from atop the wall of the city of Southridge
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization