City of Southridge

Southridge is the current capital of the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse, and was the former capital of all Imesse for 111 years, until Max II became High King and moved his capital back to Northridge. The city is built along the Bitterwash River near where it meets the Mill Run creek. The Castle at Southridge is very near the center of the city. Originally it had backed up to the Bitterwash, but over the centuries the city has grown to encompass both banks and well beyond.   Southridge is a busy and very diverse city. The populations is primarily Human, but all races are represented here. There are large communities of Halflings, Dwarves and Gnomes as well as a small but influential population of Elves. The city boasts a population of more than 18,000 souls within its walls, and more living within a few hours walk outside them.


10,800 Humans, 3,600 Halflings, 2,000 Dwarves, 1,600 Gnomes and 144 Elves


King Mak II rules through several appointed officials. Chief among these are the Briar of Southridge, the Mayor of Southridge, and the Lord Commander of the Watch.


Roads and streets are paved in stone, buildings are well-maintained, fountains and wells dot the various neighborhoods supplying clean, fresh water.  City walls are kept fully functional and the gates and towers are always manned.
The City of Southridge as seen from Mill Run creek
Large city
Owning Organization
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