Briary of Southridge

The Briary of Southridge is a division of the King of Lesser Imesse. It is made up entirely of the area immediately surrounding the City of Southridge, and has a population of roughly 30,000 souls.  The current Briar is Alain am Lomanni, who is the eldest surviving brother of Duke Lomain am Lomanni.   The Briary is a small one when considering its footprint on a map, but it is one of the most important briaries in the entire Realm when looked at economically.  As the largest city in the Kingdom, and the financial and political heart of the Realm, Southridge is a dynamic and growing hub of business, wealth and trade.


Directly ruled by Alain am Lomanni as Briar, it has as its ultimate authority the King of Lesser Imesse, Mak II and his Lord Steward of the Realm, Gerard am Frigani.  The Briary is primarily concerned with the safety and security of the City of Southridge, both financially and militarily. The Briar is responsible for the defense of the city, and the areas immediately surrounding its walls. He has also been tasked with monitoring and upkeep of the many roads that approach the city from various other regions of the Kingdom.


Roughly 100 square miles, the Briary is mainly the City of Southridge itself and its immediate surroundings.


The Briary has at its disposal the men of the City Guard, the Company of the Walls, a short Regiment of Lancers for patrolling the roads and highways outside the city's walls, and another Company of Foot used to garrison the Castle itself.
Briar's Keep, Southridge.
Geopolitical, Manor
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members