Briary of Marlowe

The Briary of Marlowe is a frontier division of the Barony of Dunrick in the High Kingdom of Imesse. It is located in the southwestern corner of the Barony, fronting the border of Imesse with the The Junn Steppe for more than 40 miles. Its seat is Briarshome, a Strongholds  built by the current Briar.


Ruled by Jon Fenward in the name of the Baron of Dunrick, Gill am Borri.


Marlowe is a frontier territory, with little infrastructure or established rule of law.  People here live under the constant threat of attack from the west, and know with certainty that little to no aid will come if an attack happens.

Demography and Population

The Briary has 5,900 souls living and working in it.  Less than 50 are Halflings, and all the rest are Humans.  The Town of Fenway is the Briary seat and has a population of 2,600.


The Briary is a large territory, covering 1,200 square miles with more than 40 miles of border with the vast Junn Steppe.  The territory is varied in topography, but much of it is rugged hills broken by vast stretches of swamp and wetlands.  Little forestry or farming can be done here, and the hills are made of an inferior shale suitable only for fieldwalls and cobbles.

Foreign Relations

The Briar has a very good relationship with the Junn Harr of the Belkonov and Traykonev clans, both of which frequently move their families and herds near the border with the Briary.  Over the course of the last 5 seasons, the Briar has hosted these families to shelter and rest during their fall migration and to hunt Mastodon in the Briary.  The meat is shared amongst both Junn and Imessian peoples, and the hides, tusks and other harvested portions go with the Junn to build good will and friendship.  In return, when moving north in the spring, the Junn visit and provide Auroch and rams horns of exceptional value to the families of the Barony.  Much anticipated trade occurs during these bi-annual visits, with top-quality leather aromor and saddles from the Junn exchanged for cereals, flour and liquor from the Briary.

Agriculture & Industry

Marlowe's largest industry currently is peat harvesting.  Since so little of the western areas of the Barony have suitable forests, the primary means of fuel production for heating and cooking is peat.


Outside of the Town of Fenway, there is not much that can be called infrastructure.  What locals call roads are little more than cowpaths and often become impassable in wet weather.
A view of a Marlowe peat bog at sunset.
Geopolitical, County / March
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members