Gill am Borri
Lord Baron Gill am Borri
Gill am Borri is the sitting Baron of Dunrick. He is 35 years old, and his duties and concerns over the last 8 years have made him look 10 years older. He has been Baron of Dunrick for nearly eight years, but the demands on his time, person and purse seem to grow with each passing season.
Gill was elevated to Baron of Dunrick in 225 AF. The High King, Max II, was not fond of his cousin Gill but made him Baron purely because of the badgering of Gill's mother. Gill's paternal great aunt was Max II's mother, Queen Ethel, and the High King always felt his cousin was forced on him by his mother, as well. Gill was considered a bit of a fop in his youth, and his only real talents were those exercised on tourney lists. He was known at a young age as a fine horseman, swordsman and archer but never considered much of an intellectual.
Since becoming Baron, Gill has taken the position very, very seriously. He feels a deep sense of duty and responsibility to the people of his Barony, and longs to be able to provide a safe, secure and prosperous life for his vassals and tenants. He is fully aware of the opinions many of the lords and ladies of the Kingdoms hold of him, most notably the opinion of the High King himself, and makes every effort to show himself capable of building a strong, secure and wealthy barony at Dunrick.
Physical Description
General Physical Condition
Gill is a lean, athletic man. Tall and graceful, he is most comfortable in the saddle of a charger. Even at 35 years, he is still one of the finest tourney riders in all the north of Imesse.
Facial Features
Blue eyes, wavy brown hair, and a face full of worry and concern.
Special abilities
An excellent rider, with a very acute grasp of strategy, tactics and logistics. A very capable swordsman and an excellent archer. He has neglected all tourney participation since becoming Baron, but is still very, veery capable.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Gill is the last surviving son of Lord Avery am Borri and Lady Beatrice Bimmin. His three older brothers all died during the War with Colo, and his distraut mother pestered the High King Max II to the point where he simply made his cousin the Baron of Dunrick to stop her badgering.
Gill squired in the High King's household as a child and youth, and proved himself a capable swordsman and a competent rider. Unfortunately, his education ended there. He has little administrative experience and almost no mathematical skills whatsoever. In truth, his reading abilities probably aren't good enough for the position he finds himeslf in today.
Very limited, in that it did not extend very far past learning to ride, fight and shoot a bow. He is terrible with numbers, can barely read or write, and is not very eloquent in his speech. Gill is making eveery effort to learn to speak Junnharic, as he is convinced that his success as a Baron is directly tied to his success at building a functional connection with the Junn Harr people.
Accomplishments & Achievements
In the eight years Gill has been Baron, he has done a masterful job of appointing competent and capable people to key positions. He has an excellent Castellan, a very adept Captain of Lancers and a Barony Steward that is the envy of the Kingdoms. It is his ability to surround himself with capable help.
Intellectual Characteristics
Gill is fully aware of what he is capable of doing and what he is not. Since becoming Baron, he has worked very hard to improve his abilities at reading, writing, accounting and administration. He has appointed skilled and able men and women to help him in his efforts, as well.
Morality & Philosophy
Gill is an honest, honorable man. He knows he was given a very difficult task when the newly created Barony of Dunrick was thrust upon him, and he takes the duty very seriously.
Personality Characteristics
Gill knows that most of the Kingdom thinks he is in over his head, and he is working hard to show that this isn't the case. He desperately wants to build a lasting and effective defense for the barony, and knows that a functioning baronial economy is the only way that is going to happen.
Virtues & Personality perks
Gill is utterly devoted to his wife and daughter, and knows the best means to provide for the both of them is to build a safe and stable barony where they can live and grow and prosper.
Contacts & Relations
Gill is a cousin to the reigning High King, but he actually doesn't like the High King at all. The High King must know this, because he avoids the Baron at every chance he gets. Where Gill is working to build relationships is with some of the Barons and Briars of Lesser Imesse. He knows he needs experts and advisors from communities that have successfully built up infrastructure, defense and agriculture, and the best examples of those sort of experts are in Cobal and Lesser Imesse.
Family Ties
Gill is married to Lenore Ahmi, the sister of Duke Landan am Ahmi of Len Doa. Gill genuinely loves his wife, but even he can't deny that the marriage was one of great convenience to the struggling Baron. Gill is also the High King's cousin. His family, the Borri Family, has some wealth and influence, but not enough to help him in his current role as Baron.
Religious Views
A quietly devout adherent to the Pantheon of Heaven faith.
Social Aptitude
Unlike in his youth, Gill has worked hard to develop social graces that he knows he will need to effectively rule his Barony. Where his younger self was spoiled and haughty, he has learned to listen and apply himself to effect
Quiet, attentive, firm and determined. Does not readily show any hesitation or indecision.
Wealth & Financial state
Gill has some personal wealth from a legacy left to him by his Grandfather, Lord Emory am Borri, in the amount of just more than 10,000 guilders. In addition to this, he has an annual income from the Barony of Dunrick that amounts to 5,000 guilders. However, the Barony is very large, and very poorly developed. Because of this fact, Gill uses almost none of the baronic income on himself or his family, and applies the vast majority of it to improve the Barony.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Baron
Date of Birth
October 5
Lenore Ahmi
Current Residence
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations