Citadel of Karnesh

The Citadel of Karnesh is an ancient fortress complex that has been reused by the ruling Oshahni pirates of the Karn River Valley for decades.  Most of the structures are ruins dating back hundreds of years, but some repairs and/or improvements have been made to keep the place at least marginally functional.   The complex is located along a steep bluff of stone just to the west of the port of Karnesh.  Within this small, compact fort is the official "residence" of the Corsair King, Obram Marner and his court.

Purpose / Function

The primary residence of the Corsair King, and a marginal symbol of power and authority of the Corsair Kingdom.


Built on the ruins of a centuries-old stone fortress, the uppermost levels of the Citadel have been rebuilt in yellow brick and thatched roofs to accomodate the ruling elites.  It is not a pleasant place to live, as the halls are smoke-filled and quite hot and airless.  The sun regularly beats down on the grounds around the fortress, heating the ground and walls to almost unbearable levels.  During the rainy season, the grounds around the Citadel become a morass of mud and mire and most of the moldy thatched roofs of the halls leak quite substantially.


Constructed at an ancient but unknown date, only the lower-most portions of the Citadel are original to the first structure.  These portions of the Citadel are nearly impervious to attack or damage, as they are firmly built and very well constructed.  The brick and thatch portions built on top of the lower portion are poorly constructed with little thought as to proper placement and support of such things as walls, entrances and roofs.
The Citadel at Karnesh, perched on high bluffs above the port.
Parent Location
Owning Organization