Karn River Valley

The Valley of the Karn River is a large drainage area on the extreme eastern edge of the Arak Mountains.  The native tribes of the valley are collectively known as Karni and speak a common tongue that is closely related to other regional languages.  The people of the Karn River region are dominated by a mostly foreign folk made up of pirates and slavers from all over the world, drawn to the region by the general lawlessness of the area and the lack of any significant authority other than the strongest brigand of the band.   Much of the Karn River itself is controlled by the Corsair Kingdom of Karnesh, with only the southern bank of the river's last 30 miles disputed by the neighboring pirate state of Vash.  The largest city of the valley is Karnesh, the Corsair Kingdom's capital, with a population of 15,000 people, two-thirds of which are Oshahni, or the non-native ruling class that dominate the entire region, made up almost entirely of pirates and slavers.


The Karn River has its headwaters in the foothills of the eastern Arak Mountains.  It is a fast-flowing river for its first few dozen miles, then it reaches the valley floor and widens out to a navigable expanse of water for the last 90 miles of its course.  It flows through many miles of forest, swamps and grasslands and is home to dozens of unique species of flora and fauna.


Tropical and sub-tropical climates domiante the river's course through the broad valley.  Heavy rains in the late summer will bring the river to its highest level, while late spring is tyopically the river's lowest seasonal level.
A Karni fisherman near the Karn River mouth.  
A view of the Karn River delta looking towards the Arak Mountains.
River Basin
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization