
The City (or Port) of Karnesh is a settlement of some 18,000 souls, roughly 10,000 of which are Oshahni elite.  The rest of the inhabitants are either Karni serfs or actual slaves.   Karnesh is a sprawling place, stretching for more than two miles along the north bank of the Karn River mouth.  At the mouth itself is the port, a rudimentary series of jetties and docks stretching out into the sea for as much as 200 yards.  Able to accomodate and serve up to 25 ships at a time, the port is busy place where ships can load or offload cargoes of nearly every sort imaginable.  Treasures, produce, raw materials, slaves, weapons and wine are all routinely moved through the port.   Immediately adjacent to the port is the only walled section of the city, where large, well-appointed town homes allow the richest and most influential Oshahni citizens to live closest to their livelihood.  This small neighborhood is as close to a nice place to be found anywhere in the city.     As one moves further upstream of the river mouth, the conditions in the city grow increasingly worse.  Sewage and cesspits line the streets, animals (especially rats and other vermin) are seen everywhere, and living conditions are horrendous.  Outside the walled portion of the city, the populus is almost exclusively Karni, with only the occassional Oshahni residing in stoutly built (and usually walled) villas with ample space between it and the rest of the neighborhood.


10,000 Oshahni, the rest Karni and/or slaves.


Directly ruled by the Corsair King, but no actual law an order actually exists.  For a stranger to walk the streets of Karnesh at night is to truly take your life into your own hands.


One small neighborhood of acceptable habitation, while the rest of the city is mired in filth, crime and disease.  No functional roads exist, and during the rainy seasons, the streets are rivers of mud and filth.  In the dry season, dust and grit fill the air and color the sunlight a dirty reddish-brown.  No guards or watch protect the streets, and the only "official" agents of the King that can ever be routinely found are the gray-clad taxmen that randomly appear to collect the King's due several times a week.


The Port, the Citadel , the Oshahni Quarter and Rivertown constitute the entire map of Karnesh.
A view of the Port of Karnesh from the Citadel.  
An ancient guard tower on the northern coast of Karnesh, now used as a warehouse and brothel.
Location under
Owning Organization