City of Cyell

Cyell is a busy and prosperous city located near the headwaters of the Wessloth River.  It has a population of 18,400 souls, 90% of which are Humans.  It is a hub of shipping and distribution industry, as resources are shipped down the river as well as up-river from the Caldar River.   Cyell boasts and impressive castle, the home of Baron Fulton am Bondari, and is well situated to defend the greater region outside its walls.


Humans 89%   Halflings 5%   Gnomes 1%


Baron of Cyell


220 men-at-arms, 100 pikes


Large walled keep 60' tall, city walls 30' tall


Riverside, Old Town, the Lists, the Parade Grounds, City Gate, Market Gate, River Gate


Cyell is an old city.  Even before the founding of the kingdom, Cyell was a power center for several local strongmen.  It is advantageously located deep in the western interior of the nation on the banks of navigable river that takes trade, commerce and people east to the Caldar.   After Josso Thunderfist is crowned King of Imesse, he grants all lands around Cyell to the Mykalli family to help heal the country's wounds after years of civil war.  Upon Josso's death in 144 AF, his son Lothar seizes all lands granted to the the Mykalli and grants them to his father-in-law Willum Bondari, who is then made the first Baron of Cyell.  The Bondari family has ruled as Barons ever since.

Points of interest

Ale House Inn   This inn is one of the largest in the whole town. Rooms, meals, baths and supplies are available, as well as a blacksmith, a seamstress, a healer and a large stable. It is operated by Dora Madden, known throughout the town as “Dame Dora”. She holds the reigns of an especially efficient network of “gossip and news” that provides here with all the latest goings on within Cyell.   Red Dragon Inn   The Red Dragon is a large and successful inn near the center of town that is named for a legendary red dragon that once terrorized the region. It offers rooms, meals, supplies, stables, baths and other services to visitors and residents alike. It is owned and operated by Tom Cotton, a large happy man who built the business up after a fire destroyed the previous building on the site. Over the last 15 years, he has hammered out a loyal following of local trade, as well as frequent repeat out-of-town business. The common room of The Dragon is often full of people from all walks of life and from regions near and far.


Fulton is obsessed with martial games. He hosts a tournament twice a month (sometimes more often), and at the end of the summer offers a huge purse of gold as the grand prize at a Grand Tourney. This event draws more than a hundred knights from across the land to Cyell, and the event lasts for more than a week. There are multiple events, including jousts and tilts, great melees, archery contests, spear throwing, feats of strength, horse racing and obstacle courses, stalks and parades. Participants will fill the city inns to bursting, and large camps are set up outside the walls for those that can’t get rooms. The Parade Grounds are utilized for some events because they can hold more spectators.   A particularly troublesome effect of this is the occurrence of unofficial events that crop up. Unsanctioned contests do pop up, and people do get hurt (even killed). A good example is a knight (or group of knights) that form a gauntlet. This is a challenge offered to anyone trying to pass a point of traffic (gate, bridge, doorway, intersection) but is refused unless they can defeat the defenders in combat. Refuse to fight, and your honor is stained. Fight and lose, and you risk the loss of valuable equipment (taken to be ransomed later) and possible injury. Fight and win and you still risk injury and the crime of breaking the King’s peace within the city walls.
Founding Date
67 BF
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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