Fulton am Bondari

Baron Fulton am Bondari

Fulton am Bondari is the Baron of Cyell.  His wife, Adith Maxalli is the paternal aunt of the High King of Imesse, Max III.  His marriage has been fruitful, if not easy, and he and his wife have 9 children (five boys and four girls), all now adults and grown.   Fulton is a passionate tournament competitor, hosting as many as 20 tournaments a year at his own expense, and participating in every one.  He knows the names and accomplishments of every significant tournament knight in the Kingdoms, and those of many less-than-significant knights.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Large man, in top physical condition. Loves to ride and fight in tournaments

Body Features

Broad chest, broad shoulders, well muscled.

Facial Features

Light brown hair streaked with grey, a trim brown beard.  Narrow faced with trim features.

Identifying Characteristics

A particularly horrific scar on his right shoulder where he was injured in a melee tournament 20 years earlier.

Special abilities

A legendary tournament participant, a superb rider, and a legendary melee fighter.  At nearly 60 years he is still a force to be reckoned with on the lists.

Specialized Equipment

He has a set of tournament armor that (literally) cost a fortune.  The finest plate armor, enameled in green and gold and studded with actual garnets.  Each of his tournament lances cost 200 gilders, and he destroys as many as 20 per event.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

While actively retreating through the heartland of the Kingdom of Cobal, Fulton was riding alongside the Duke of Hekmo, Turl am Nari.  The men were alone, save for their escort of four mounted Lancer sergeants, when they were ambushed by a full Company of Rangers.  Three of the escorts were killed immediately, and the Baron's horse was shot from under him.  The Baron was injured in the resulting fall, partially pinned under his dying horse.  The Duke paniced and fled for the safety of the river crossing, leaving the Baron where he lay.  The remaining escort, Tom Cotton, dismounted and aided the Baron, them put him on his own horse and led the wounded noble away, all with a full Company of Rangers rushing down on them.   Tom led the wounded Baron to safety, and when the details of the event were understood, Fulton was expected to cover up the cowardly aspects of the Duke's actions and to ensure that Tom did, as well.  Tom received credit for saving the Baron, but resigned his rank in the service at the end of the war and mustered out.

Failures & Embarrassments

18 years ago, during the invasion of Cobal by Duke Hekmo Fulton was saved from a Ranger attack by a Sergeant of Horse named Tom Cotton. The circumstances of this rescue were quite unflattering to Hekmo, and Fulton was obligated to help cover the details up. He sees this as a lasting stain on his honor, and it has never sat well in his mind all these years since.

Personality Characteristics


Constantly looking for fame and applause on the lists.  He is the consummate competitor and has an expert eye for style, method and level of skill in all of his opponents.

Likes & Dislikes

Fulton has tried to befriend Tom Cotton, his rescuer from the ambush all those years ago, but knows Tom is not likely to ever return the sentiments.  He genuinely likes Tom, and knows that the hidden facts of the rescue are a stain on his own honor, but cannot bring himself to confront the Duke, whom he distrusts completely ever since the event.


Contacts & Relations

A close associate of Turl am Nari, Duke of Hekmo... but not a friend.  There does seem to be a troubled past between the two.

Family Ties

Tied by marriage to the Maxalli family through his wife, the High King's aunt.

Religious Views

Not particularly religious, he is a follower of the Pantheon of Heaven and offers his ministrations publicly when it is expected or necessary.

Social Aptitude

Particularly gracious in public, very well spoken.  Charming in the extreme.


Adith Maxalli


Towards Fulton am Bondari


Fulton am Bondari


Towards Adith Maxalli


Wealth & Financial state

Very wealthy, both from his title of Baron and from his mother's family fortune.  Has also managed to win an astonishing amount of gold through tournament winnings.
Adith Maxalli (Wife)
Current Residence
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations