Barony of Cyell

The Barony of Cyell is a vassal district of the High Kingdom of Imesse, and answers directly to the High King of Imesse, Max III. It is centered around the City of Cyell, and it is ruled by the Baron Fulton am Bondari.


Baron Fulton is the rules the Barony in the name of the High King.  He has several vassal lords serving him as Briars or high officers to assist him the administrative and judicial happenings within the Barony on a day-to-day basis.


Cyell is a busy river port, and a center for martial tournaments and competitions due to the Baron's fascination with the sport and effort of tourneys.


A busy river port, moving hundreds of tons of produce, cereal grains, meats, livestock and timber.  There are many ship-building facilities along the city's riverbanks, where dozens of cargo vessels are built and launched every year.


The first Baron of Cyell was Willum am Bondari, elevated in 144 AF by King Lothar.  In the intervening 89 years there have been five further Barons ending with the current Baron Fulton.

Demography and Population

The population of the Barony of Cyell is currently 55,000 souls.  The vast majority of these people are Humans, and fully one-third of that population lives within a day's walk of the City of Cyell.  The further west one travels in the Barony, the fewer people one meets.  This has presented the Baron with a problem, in that the Barony is one of the western "marcher" baronies, intended to provide a degree of protection to the rest of the Kingdom from attack.  With such a thin and sparce population in the far west, providing that protection from attack is particularly difficult, if not entirely impossible.


The Barony of Cyell is more than 8,000 square miles of mostly rough and rugged territory.  Once a traveller has ridden a day's ride west of Cyell, the land rises significantly and becomes much dryer and more sparcely wooded.  Beyond Stonehold, one is on the very fringe of the Junn Steppe itself.  High prairie broken only by dry gulches that can flash flood in minutes from storms miles away.  Sparce patches of pine woods and scrub oak forest dot the lower areas, while coarse yellow grasses dominate the higher ground.


Plainly said, the defenses of the Barony are inadequate in the extreme.  The only standing forces of arms available to the Baron are within a few hours of the City of Cyell.  The western briaries are poorly defended and poorly funded.

Agriculture & Industry

Fertile soils surrounding the riverlands to the east of the Barony provide for abundant harvests, but the growing conditions worsen markedly as one progresses even a few dozen leagues to the west of Cyell.  As the land rises, the soil becomes much more course and stoney.  In the far west, ranching of cattle and sheep is the primary agricultural enterprise.