Company of Foot

In the military forces of Imesse, nobles will raised and muster units of infantry known as Foot.  These are trained and equipped armored soldiers moving and fighting as a unit.



A Company of Foot is a unit of 100 soldiers similarly equipped and trained to fight in formation.  Each Company can be further divided into smaller units, in Imesse referred to as Platoons, of 20-25 soldiers.  Each platoon is commanded by a Corporal or a Sergeant, and each Company is commanded by a Captain of Foot.


Soldiers are equipped with a minimum of iron or steel cuirass, pauldrons, and nasal helm.  Better trained or elite soldiers might have full plate for a pitched battle.  Shields and boots are also typically standardized.


Soldiers are equipped with long sword, dagger or hand axe and a pike or halberd.  Some might also be equipped with a number of horn bows or crossbows.


Each Company is typically issued at least 10 wagons for equipment, supplies and storage.  A company's wagons are managed and maintained by unit of quartermaster troops trained to handle and care for horses/mules and the wagons themselves.


Companies are commanded by Captains, supported by Corporals/Sergeants.  Multiple companies together can be commanded by Knight Commanders and be formed into Regiments of Foot.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation