Riley Oldgate

My Lord Warden Riley Oldgate

Riley Oldgate is the Warden of the Ward of Elisar. He is a 49-year-old Human that has made his fortune designing and building riverboats and barges. His ships are renowned across the region as safe, sturdy and swift.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Riley's family has a long and profitable relationship with the current Lord High Regent of Cobal, Donnas Rivers.  The Rivers' shipping interests have long been served by the Oldgate family, which supplied fast and reliable ships to the Regent's family for decades.

Personality Characteristics


Riley has the office of Warden of Elisar as his next position.  He works tirelessly to put himself in the best position to secure this promotion for himself.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Riley has made it a priority to cater to the interests of shipping companies and trading houses both in the City of Elisar and throughout the Ward, sometimes at the distinct cost to the efforts of security and safety against attacks.  He has, on several occassions, allowed effort to strengthen defenses or raise units of troops to be sidelined in favor of efforts that benefit traders and freighters instead.  This has made him very popular with businessmen, and less popular with the populations living further to the west (and much closer to danger from attack).
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations