City of Malamor

Malamor is the largest city in Aria and the capital of the Kingdom. It is built between the slopes of the Gorgomoth mountains and the Malam river (a tributary of the Arial).  Malamor is a busy city, and has been the center of Arian politics and economic life for hundreds of years.  It has outgrown the original city walls, and now sprawls over the Malam River plain for several square miles.   Many of Aria's most powerful families maintain residences in the city, and its markets and shops make the wonders and crafts of the entire world available to city's residents.


80% Human; 10% Dwarf; 8% Halfling; 2% Gnome; >1% Elf


Ruled by Tessian of Aria as King of Aria.  City administration is led by a Viscount and a Council of Burgesses, or local Lords and wealthy merchants that have gained a voice in the daily running of the city.  The City itself is independent of any other political divisions, but it is surrounded by the County of Malamor.


The city was walled, but over the last 200 years, the walls have fallen into real disrepair and are no longer manned.  The gates stand but are no longer closed at night.

Industry & Trade

All sorts of businesses and shops can be found here.  Dirtier or smellier industries (tanneries, laundries, soap shops, etc.) are located downstream and well away from the city center, but they are there and very active, none the less.


A sprawl of twisting streets and avenues leading from the Malam River uphill towards the higher levels of the city, which are crowned by the royal residence at Hautour Castle.  Streets are paved, and some are even lit with oil lanterns shrouded in glass and polished metal.  Several artisian springs pour fresh water from marble fountains spread throughout the city, and deep, wide sewers allow the dirt and waste of the city to flow into a series of bogs and swamps along the edges of the Malam.

Points of interest

Dozens of inns, taverns, alehouses and breweries are located throught the city.
Owning Organization
Related Traditions