Tessian Carrel

His Majesty, King Tessian Carrel (a.k.a. Tess)

Tessian was born the only son of Marcel III and Renee of Dunmore in the year 200 AF. He has reigned for eight years, and has done his best to govern justly. He has an irrational distaste for the government of Fangort and has actively attempted to subvert Fangorian trade efforts in Aria. He has been cold and distant to his fellow rulers in Gorgomoth, fearing the growing prosperity and military might of that region.

Personality Characteristics


Tessian is fully aware of the loss of power, authority and prestige that the Crown has suffered over the last 97 years, and he is frequently reminded of how his father's, grandfather's and great-grandfather's legacies are remembered. He desperately wants to repair and restore the power of the King in Aria and secure his own legacy, but has no idea how to accomplish this.  Due to divisions within his Kingdom and even within his own Royal Court that his father, grandfather and great-grandfather allowed to develop, he has little support or advice as to how best to bring about the reforms and changes he so desperately wants to enact.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Tessian is increasingly aware that his unwed status is placing his kingdom and his dynasty is growing danger.  While he is only 33 years old, he is the only child of the previous king and he has no issue of his own.  Should anything happen to him, the crown would pass to the oldest male descendant of Roche Carrel, because Marcel II had only one son, Marcel III.  Roche had five legitimate sons after Marcel II, so the next King of Aria must descend from one of those princes.  None doubt that, should the unthinkable happen, there would be a succession crisis and possibly civil war.

Likes & Dislikes

Has an unreasonable dislike for his cousin, the Prince of Fangort, and associates all policies and interactions with Fangorian business and trade as with the Prince.  They have only actually met twice in their lives and interacted only superficially, so no one is why this is the case.


Contacts & Relations

Was once a good friend of Dogar Lan, Duke of Grenwich.

Family Ties

Distantly related to the Maxalli family of Imesse.
Currently Held Titles
Current Residence
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Speaks Arian and Caldarian, and a smattering of Dwarfish.