Hautour Castle

Hautour Castle is the royal residence and center of government for the Kingdom of Aria.  It has been the seat of the Royal House of Carrel since it was founded more than a century ago.   Hautour Castle was constructed as a fortress in 80 AF by the Carrel family, but was heavily renovated over the course of intervening years into the push and comfortable palace that it is today.  Large, glazed windows now dot the walls and towers where once arrow loops were the only source of light.  The moat has been filled in and paved into an expansive courtyard and plaza, and the entire structure is surrounded by acres of manicured gardens and orchards.  Although still relatively small when compared to other royal palaces, Hautour Castle (which means Castle of the High Tower) is a fully functioning governmental center.  Within the outer bailey of the original castle are halls, towers and barracks for a significant number of troops, shops, offices, storerooms, kitchens, a large bathhouse and a hospital.

Purpose / Function

Governmental center and primary residence of the Kingdom of Aria


Once a fortress, now a very comfortable and well-appointed palace and administrative buillding complex.  The central tower, or the site of the original keep, is now the Royal Palace, and stands more than 6 stories high and is surrounded by four tall towers.   To the east of the Palace is the Old Bailey, which has been heavily modified from its original footprint into a four story reception hall and guest wing that surrounds a paved court.  The old gatehouse is located here, as well.  To the east of that is the Soldier's Keep.  This is a square tower of large dimensions that stands four stories and has the offices, halls and quarters for the Kingdom's highest ranking military and judicial figures.  To the far north of the Palace, entered through several passages through the original walls, is the North Halls where the administrative and service portions of the castle are housed.


Finely finished limestone walls, paved paths and roads, expertly glazed windows throughout with a peaked slate roof.  Surrounded by manicured gardens and parks and a large paved courtyard.


Still housing a Company of Infantry as Royal Guards, Hautour Castle can still be defended, but it is not the castle it once was.
Hautour Castle, as seen from the canal bank.
Founding Date
80 AF
Parent Location
Owning Organization