City of Northridge

The City of Northridge is the ancient capital of the Kingdom of Imesse and, since the last 25 years, the re-instated capital of the High Kingdom.  The official population is 15,000 souls, but that is a deceptive number as there are still no fewer than 2,500 workers in the city proper that worked on the city's walls each and every day.  The Court attendees also had large retinues that could be counted to as much as another 1,000 souls on any given day of the week.   The High King resides at the King's Keep, a large and nearly blindingly white castle built on a large bluff overlooking the town and the harbor.  Surrounding the castle are several acres of stone buildings, shops, stables and houses where the officials of the city and of the High King's household live and work.  The castle was declared complete just last summer, and a huge festival and tournament was held in celebration.  The city's population swelled to nearly 30,000 that summer.   Since the completion of the castle, the work on the city's walls has taken over the labors of the community.  One large towered gatehouse is nearly complete on the southern King's Road, and two more are just being started further along the wall's course in either direction.  Currently, only a little more than three-fourths of a mile of wall has been built, but as the foundations of the contruct are plainly evident, the scope of the project is incredible.


Mostly Humans, with a very small (and temporary) community of craftsman and artisans of Dwarves and Halflings.


With the Maxalli revolt that ended the reign of the Mykalli Dynasty more than 130 years ago, most of the City of Northridge was raised to the ground.  It was only during the reign of Max II that Northridge was reinstated as the capital of the High Kingdom, and the work to bring the city back to its former glory has been long and troubled.


Much of the city, and all of the city defenses, were destroyed in 98 AF by Josso am Maxalli, the first Maxalli King of Imesse. For the next century, the city was inhabited only by fisherman and traders that worked the boats and vessels of the Graywater Lake.  Then in 208 AF, when Max II committed to move his capital to Northridge, 3,000 craftsman, masons, carpenters, cooks, and general laborers were on site and working night and day to make the city a presentable place for the High King to rule from.


As the city is still being rebuilt, much of it is still built in wood.  The few stone homes and buildings are built of local sandstone, with finer touches finished with imported granite or marble.  The finest building in the city is the Royal Castle high on a ridge overlooking both the city and its harbor on the lake.


Located along a high sandstone ridge above the shores of Graywater Lake and nestled between a natural sheltered harbor and the ridge, the city location seems ideal.  Easy access to the lake, many clear streams running down from the ridges, and ample timber and stone access for building.  Once past the ridgeline and a few miles south of the lake, the soil is a rich black loam that is well suited for farming.

Natural Resources

Large stands of both pine and hardwood timber, fine local stone quarries, beds of fine, clean gravel all along the shores of the Graywater.  Fertile soil, a huge lake full of fish and fowl, and ready routes for trade and service via the water.
King's Keep Castle at Northridge
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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