Josso am Maxalli

His Majesty, King Josso am Maxalli (a.k.a. Thunderfist)

Josso "Thunderfist" was the first Maxalli  King of Imesse.  He fought a rebellion against the Mykalli Dynasty that had ruled the country for 19 years, finally winning the war in the winter of 98 AF.   Josso was the second son of the Baron of Southridge, Maxal am Maxalli. His older brother, Maxin died during the invasion of Cobal by King Thane am Mykalli, an invasion he had hoped would provide land and supplies that would counter the famine sweeping Imesse that summer.  His father was a broken man by then, aged and bent but still strong enough to blame the famine and the death of his son on the new King Thane.   In 94 AF, more rebellions broke out in the south, and the Maxallis joined the fight.  Maxin died while on the march, and Josso was named the new Baron while leading his father's troops north against the King.  Josso was a good leader, and his men loved him more with each passing week.  He made sure the men and horses were fed and tended before any of the nobles or commanders, and this made him very popular.   Josso won battle after battle, and as each month passed, more and more of the population came to his banner.  By the winter of 96 AF, Josso had an army of 35,000 men across the Caldar River and moving north towards Northridge.  By the spring of 97 AF, he had the city under siege and started a bombardment by catapults and trebuchets that lasted all summer.  In December of 98 AF, the King forces are reduced to less than 2,500 men all within the walls of Northridge itself.  Thane surrenders to Josso.   Josso is crowned King of Imesse that same month, amidst the ruin and destruction that was all that remained of the Royal Castle at Northridge.  Josso released Thane and allowed him to return to his family's lands in and around Cyell.   Josso ruled as King for 44 years, during which time the Kingdom recovered from the devastation of years of civil war and famine.  Reparations were made to Cobal, relations with Aria and Colo were improved and the country began to repair itself.
70 at his death
72 AF 142 AF 70 years old
Place of Death
Current Residence
Buried at Southridge
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization