Donnas Rivers

Lord High Regent Donnas Rivers

Donnas Rivers is the Lord High Regent of the Kingdom of Cobal. He has served as Regent for the last 18 years.  Donnas is a firm supporter of the political status quo within the Kingdom:  an elected Regency rather than a hereditary monarchy.  He is fully aware of the universally accepted fact that a legitimate heir to the last Bolder King of Cobal is alive and well (he has even met the man more than a dozen times), but is firmly convinced of the idea that the monarchy is unneeded by all and unwanted by the vast majority of Cobalian subjects.   Donnas has made the protection and defense of Cobal his priority as High Regent.  He has also promoted a policy of growth and development throught the Wards of the Kingdom where community benefits from sound and dynamic economic activity.  Farms, industry, resource development, public infrastructure and community welfare all profit when all contribute and all participate.  Race, sex, age and social status are all secondary to family, community and country in the eyes of the Lord High Regent.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aged and frail, with a pronounced stoop to his shoulders.

Body Features

Thin, aged, skinny.

Facial Features

Kind features with a big smile. Big blue eyes surrounded by laugh-lines. Sharply pointed beard.



Has served as Lord High Regent for 18 years.

Religious Views

Practitioner of the Pantheon of Heaven faith, with a special affinity for Gaeta the Mother.

Social Aptitude

A consummate politician, he can put anyone at ease and is amazingly charming.

Wealth & Financial state

Amazingly wealthy.  Family has a huge shipping business in the Ward of Elisar with dozens of boats and barges moving everything from people to pulpwood up and down the Caldar.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Formerly Warden of Elisar, formerly Mayor of Elisar
Date of Birth
May 15
Current Residence
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations