Eldon Deckman

Master Eldon Deckman

Eldon Deckman is the Harbor Master for the City of Loman Dur.  He is a 55-year-old Halfling and has been the Master for seven years.  He has spent a lifetime sailing along the coast of Imesse and up and down its many rivers as a hand, mate or master of countless cargo vessels.  He now puts that expertise to use to maximise the efficiency of the loading and unloading of freight and passengers within the harbor at Loman Dur.   Eldon lives and works from the Small Tower of the Harbor Keep citadel that is very near completion in the harbor itself.  His small apartments are located just under the upper floors of the furthest tower in the harbor, offering him the best view of the operations possible.  He lives there with his wife, River, who tends his needs and prepares his meals.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eldon was master of the hulk that brought the newly elevated Baron Lomain am Lomanni to his new baronic seat 18 years ago.  He impressed the new Baron greatly and was offered the position of Harbor Master upon their arival at the City of Loman Dur.  The two have been very close friends ever since.
Current Location
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations