Elora Freer

Elder Elora Freer

Elora Freer is the High Priestess of the Belmar Holy House located outside the Town of Belmar in the Ward of Rolar, Region.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Elora has a staff denoting her office as High Priestess. It is a unique staff, with a seemingly ancient pointed piece hardwood attached to the end of the staff with a length of leather thong.  Elora has used this staff to aid in the planting of crops and orchards, and any field where she has used the staff has produced plentiful harvests.  Some rumors say the staff, or specifically the ancient dibber-like top of the staff, has a potent magical power.

Mental characteristics


Elora has a remarkable knowledge of arcane druidic lore, rivaling that of very nearly any other Druidic priest or priestess alive today.  She has an incredible ability to read or hear something once, and then to be able to recall that knowledge completely at any time in the future.  She is, literally, a walking encyclopedia of the druidic understanding of the world.

Accomplishments & Achievements

An innate ability to instantly and flawlessly recall anything she has read or heard in regards to her faith.


Contacts & Relations

Because of her expertise in druidic lore and arcane knowledge, Elora is often invited to meetings, conclaves and debates regarding the Druidic Faith and its understanding and application.  She is a literal "gem in the rough" in this regard.

Religious Views

Passionately devoted to her faith, with a special devotion to Beltrae as her patron goddess.

Social Aptitude

Sometimes seen as cold and distant, Elora has a deep (if sometimes shrouded) sense of compassion for her flock.
Date of Birth
September 21
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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