Rolar Region

The Region of Rolar is in the southeast corner of the country and is defined by the borders of the Ward of Rolar. This Ward is very prosperous, with large and active communities in both agriculture and resource development. It has a population of almost 23,000 souls, and 6,000 of those are Dwarves. The Region is roughly one-third rugged, tree covered hills and low mountains, one-third thick ancient hardwood forests, and one-third alluvial plains and oak savannah, all very similar to the Catskill Mountains of eastern New York state. The Region produces large amounts of lead, silver, copper, tin and various granite and marble stones. Its farms grow crops of cereal, fruit, nuts and vegetables as well as tons of poultry, pork, beef and wild game. There are many successful sheep ventures producing (literally) tons of wool and mutton. The forests are harvested for oak, hickory, elm ash, yew, birch and spruce.   The Ward itself is just over 100 years old. It was formed by the first Lord High Regent after a large and particularly deadly invasion by western orcs that made it all the way to the center of the country. The horde of orcs dug into the hills and valleys north of the present day Ward and fought a long drawn-out battle that only ended when the last orc was slain.   The Region contains the Rdstone Hills, the Old Oak Chase, the Greenbrae Forest, the Rolar River, the Dunwash River, the Redstone River,


The territory of the Ward of Rolar is primarily the area surrounding the valley of the Rolar River. The river runs from the northern section of the Ward in the Redstone hills and follows a general southerly course, with feeder streams and rivers flowing from the hills and forests to the west and the higher plains and ridges of the east. The largest navigable tributary river to the Rolar is the Dunwash, flowing past the Town of Dunhill.   There are two huge tracts of forest in the Ward, the great Greenbrae Forest in the north and the Old Oak Chase in the southwestern corner of the Ward. Between the two great woods are a series of steep, rocky and sometimes forested hills called the Redstones.   There are two Shires in the Ward of Rolar. Greenbrae Shire is located in the far northern edge of the Ward, mainly in the Greenbrae Forest. The second Shire is the Shire of Oakfield, located within Old Oak Chase. Between the two Shires is the County of Redstone. There are two towns located on the Rolar River north of the city of Rolar: Redfield, at the start of the Restone hills, and Belmar, where the Rolar river meets the Dunwash river. The last significant town within the Ward is Thorn, located on the southern edge of Old Oak Chase.