Elyas Saylor Shipping

Saylor Shipping is a freight business in the City of Rolar. It is owned and operated by Elyas Saylor and his four sons. They own a warehouse, a wharf and several derricks. The warehouse is several stories tall, and not much to look at. There is a stone residence attached to the warehouse where the Saylors live when not on the river.  They run cargo upstream as far as it is navigable, and downstream as far as Jemptal.   They own and operate two river barges, the Fair Maiden and the Shy Harlot. Both of these have a cargo capacity of 8 tons, but the Maiden can manage 3 miles an hour upstream, while the Harlot can only manage 2 miles per hour. Both can reach 5 miles per hour fully loaded moving downstream with a fair wind. There are no cabins on either boat, but each can take up to 11 passengers.   Typically, Elyas is mastering the Maiden with his youngest son Jacky, while his oldest son, Algar, masters the Harlot with his other brothers, Tom and Ansel. When needed, the Saylors will hire extra hands to assist them in loading, sailing and unloading their boats.

Purpose / Function

Elyas Saylor and his family haul freight and passengers up and down the Rolar River for a fair price paid in cash.


There are no cabins on either boat, but comfortable seats, waxed leather cloaks, plenty of hot food and drink make the journeys a little more comfortable.


The boats are equipped with pikes, boarding axes and cutlasses.  There are four crossbows stowed onboard as well.


A passage for one person with only personal carry-ons from Rolar to Belmar (25 miles upstream on the Rolar River) will cost 30 shillings (1g 10s) and take roughly 12 hours under good conditions.  From Rolar to Dunhill on the Dunwash River is 45 miles and takes a full day and night at the price of 2 guilders and 10 shillings.  From Rolar to Restone is 55 miles and takes nearly 30 hours.  That passage costs 3 guilders per person.  Passage from Rolar to Jemptal is 50 miles and will take only 10 to 12 hours, and costs 2 guilders per person.  All passage is paid upfront and with coin in hand.   In addition to passengers, each of the boats can carry up to 8 tons (16,000 lbs) of cargo.  Each ton will require four hours to load/unload and the minimum cost of shipping cargo is 100 guilders/ton.   Meals on the boats are served three times a day (dawn, midday and evening) and consist of single serving crocks of warm, filling food cooked right on the boat.  The crew serves ale, wine and cider anytime.  If the trip runs overnight, enough deck space is reserved for each passenger to stretch out and sleep as best they can.  The crew will set up waxed leather tarps to keep wind and rain off the passengers.   The Saylors do require that passengers behave the entire time they are on the boat, and no fighting, drunkenness or lewd behavior will be tolerated.
Boathouse / Wharf
Parent Location
Vehicles Present
Characters in Location