The Greenfield Inn

The Greenfield Inn, a large and comfortable inn offering food, drink, a stable and farrier, baths and a wagon shop.

Purpose / Function

The Greenfield is run by the family of Orin Greenfield, a Halfling of 58 years. With his wife Iris, his two daughters Ora and Ira, and his two sons Orlin and Rys, the Greenfields do an amazing amount of business every night. They provide superb meals three times a day, offer the best in drinks and entertainment, employ an exceptional smith and wagoner. Their rooms are comfortable and clean and by nightfall are always sold out. Meals are served until the food is gone, and while they make a mountain of food for each sitting, there is almost never anything left to throw to the chickens or pigs. Because of the inn and its popularity, Orin is rapidly becoming one of the wealthiest and most influential residents of the city. His name is often mentioned whenever discussions are had concerning the next Mayor of Rolar.


A large three-story structure offering rooms, meals, a bathhouse, stables and wagon shop.


The Greenfields do an amazing amount of business every night. They provide superb meals three times a day, offer the best in drinks and entertainment, employ an exceptional smith and wagoner. Their rooms are comfortable and clean and by nightfall are always sold out. Meals are served until the food is gone, and while they make a mountain of food for each sitting, there is almost never anything left to throw to the chickens or pigs.
Parent Location
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