Guy Stepman

Briar Guy Stepman

Guy Stepman is the Briar of Dunlowe. He is a veteran fighter and a very competent leader of men, both in battle and in peace.  He maintains a strong association with several of the Junn Harr families that pass by his holdings twice a year.  Guy and his brothers were raised with a marked appreciation for the importance of maintaining peace and cooperation with the Junn Harr, since their lands and holdings are so far from Imessian aide and so close to the The Junn Steppe.   Guy witnessed the death of his young wife and infant son many years earlier at the hands of Orcs, and has dedicated himself to preventing that sort of tragedy for the people he now rules as Briar.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Guy is a life-long resident of the Imessian frontier regions.  He was raised in the Briary and his father, the former Briar, made sure his sons all were capable of dealing with the Junn Harr as equals.


Guy has spent his entire life on the frontier, and is well aquainted with the customs, language and habits of the steppe peoples.


Besides constantly working to improve the briary's defenses and infrastructure, Guy is spending a small fortune (of his personal money) on rebuilding his official residence, Dunlowe House.  The current house is a rather dated and worn down ruin of a building, never actually completed as a functional defensive tower house.  Guy has hired a significant amount of builders to construct a new tower and wall complex that will house both him and his successors for generations to come.

Mental Trauma

Guy lost his wife and infant son to an orc attack when he was still a teenager.  He has committed his life to preventing the orc menace from visiting such trauma on his territory evere since.

Personality Characteristics


Guy as suffered great personal loss because of attacks by orc hordes, and has dedicated his life to making sure that everything that can be done to protect his people from future attacks is done.


Contacts & Relations

Guy is very close to the Baron of Dunrick, Gill am Borri, who trusts him absolutely.  He is also close, personal friends with two Junn Harr chieftans and counts another as family.

Family Ties

Guy married at a young age (15 years) to a Junn Harr chieftan's daughter named Bilka Belkoneva (Bilka, daughter of Belko). After only four years of marriage, Bilka and their son Giles (only two years old) were killed in an orc raid on their return from visiting Bilka's family. Guy was wounded, but rescued by his youngest brother Gaylon. Since then, Guy has maintained a close familial relationship with the Belkonov family but he has never remarried and has no living children. Instead, Guy has officially named the sons of his brother, Gaylon, as his heirs and successors upon his death.
Date of Birth
September 14
Current Residence
Dunlowe House
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Guy is fluent in Junnharic (the language of the Junn Harr).