Holden Isenbar

Lord Holden Isenbar (a.k.a. The Strong)

Holden Isenbar was a hero of the The Second Great Orc War of Imesse and the founder of the Noble House of Isenbar.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Holden Iseenbar was born in a hovel in the frontier town of Mordar in the Kingdom of Imesse.  As a child, he often dreamed of becoming a knight and fighting alongside kings and nobles, but his widowed mother barely managed to find food for the table.  At the age of 25 years, he was still working 16 hours a day to feed his brothers and sisters and tend to his sick mother when word came that a massive Orc invasion had happened to the south of Mordar and King Lothar was calling for all able-bodied men and boys to take up arms and join him in the defense of the Kingdom.  Holden fashioned a poleaxe out of a shovel head and a ash pole and joined the fight that day.   Over the course of the next three years, Holden worked and fought tirelessly and created quite an impressive reputation amongst the soldiers marching further and further south.  He distinguished himself multiple times during the fighting in and around Coldhome and for his bravery and valor during the liberation of Cyell, he was knighted in a muddy field by the King's brother Prince Maklar am Maxalli himself.  In 148 AF, Holden was given command of a large troop of foot tasked with breeching and over-running a large section of the town walls of Dunrick, the last fortified town held by the Orcs.  Fierce fighting and high casualties did not deter the young knight and he won the day.  For his efforts that day, and through out the campaign, Holden was made Lord Isenbar and given vast tracts of land in and around Wessold in the far northwestern frontier of the Kingdom.
75 at his death
120 AF 196 AF 76 years old
Current Residence
Buried at Wessold
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations