Jack Demolay (deh-moe-lay)

His Holiness, Grand Master Jack Demolay

Jack Demolay is the Grand Master of the Order of the Swords of Heaven, a military order of the Pantheon of Heaven Faith.  As the Grand Master of the Order, Jack is the equivalent of an Ecclesiast in the clerical hiarchy of the Faith, and carries the honorific "Holiness", however he rarely ever allows it to be used.  He is a seasoned fighter and an excellent administrator of the large organization that is the Order of the Swords of Heaven.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Excellent physical condition, trains regularly and eats and drinks only in moderation.

Apparel & Accessories

Plain burnished armor, and the traditional blue mantle, surcoat and cloak of his Order.

Specialized Equipment

For official or holy events, Jack wears enamelled armor denoting his status as Grand Master and a long, finely woven sky-blue cloak with a cloth-of-gold boarder and the Order's symbol embroidered at its center.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jack was born the third son of a wealthy noble family from the County of Aramor in the northeast portion of the Kingdom of Aria.  His father is the Viscount of a large portion of the central highlands of Aramor, and his two older brothers are both filling important roles in his viscounty.  Jack has been groomed for the Order since a very young age, as his family has a long and storied tradition of sending sons into the Order over many generations. Like all his family, Jack is a devout believer in the Faith, and has carried his personal belief into his role as Grand Master admirably.


Jack was trained from a young age in the martial arts of riding, sword, archery and melee as well as in the sciences of strategy, tactics, logistics and maneuver.  He is very well read, and maintains a vast library of works on many varied topics.

Morality & Philosophy

Devout in his dedication to the Faith, and convinced in the necessity and value of the Order as a shield of the greater Faith's efforts.

Personality Characteristics


Jack recognizes that the Order is largely under-utilized and poorly organized.  He is making every effort to streamline the bureaucracy of the Order and increase its efficiency and effectiveness.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Besides Arian, Jack is fluent in Caldarian, Fangorian and can read and write in Gnomish.  He is even able to speak and read some Elvish.