Grand Master, Order of the Swords of Heaven

The Grand Master of the Order of the Swords of Heaven is the highest rank within the Order. The Grand Master is a sworn priest of the Pantheon of Heaven Faith and (for the last 500 years) is a seasoned warrior and leader of men in battle. He is charged with the defense of the Faith, the Faithfull and the safety and sactity of the Holy Sites associated with the Faith.  The current Grand Master of the Order is Jack Demolay.   Grand Masters are chosen by secret ballot whenever the Office is vacant, either due to death or to the fact that all Grand Masters must step down after the age of 65. This election is typically held at the annual Conclave of the Order, held at the Grand Commandery Demalamor outside of the City of Malamor every year at Midsummer. Any Grand Master that steps down becomes a Grand Marshal of the Order , and is seen as a senior advisor and counselor to the reigning Grand Master, and retains the authority of an Ecclesiast in the Faith.


The Grand Master of the Order of the Swords of Heaven is chosen from among its current ranks.  One must be a sworn member of the Order, and less than 65 years of age.  To date, all Grand Masters have been Human males, but there are no documented requirements that the Grand Master be either Human or male.  Historically, there has been one Grand Master that was elected while he was still technically a novice, but he was allowed to take his vows thirteen months before his four-year noviate was completed by a special dispensation from the local Hagiarch.


For the last 200 years, no Grand Master has been allowed to rule the Order beyond the age of 65 years.  Whenever the Grand Master reaches that age, or if he dies, the Grand Chaplain will rule the Order until the next Conclave, where an election will be held in which all sworn members of the Order will cast a secret ballot for the next Grand Master.  In past years, as Grand Masters have aged into their 65th year, they have organized and promoted the election of their successor.  Once the new Grand Master has been chosen and taken his vows as the new leader of the Order, the previous Grand Master steps down and accepts the role of Grand Marshal of the Order.


Overall command, administration and adjudication of all matters pertaining to the Order.
Religious, Military
Form of Address
His Holiness
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Until the age of 65 years is reached
Current Holders
Reports directly to