Marton am Bondari

Lord Marton am Bondari

Marton am Bondari is the youngest son of the Baron of Cyell, Fulton am Bondari and his wife, Adith Maxalli.  He is the first-cousin of the High King, Max III and the King of Lesser Imesse, Mak II.   Marton has only recently earned his spurs and been annointed a knight, and now hopes to achieve a tournament career similar to his father's.  He trains daily at riding, duelling and archery.  When not training, he is part of the High King's household knights, and attends many of the Court functions.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Marton, or Marty to his friends and family, dreams of winning fame and glory on the tournament lists.  He is a good rider and a strong, able young man, but he is not (yet) a very accomplished tournament competitor.  His skill with a sword is marginal, and other hand-held weapons are even more difficult for him.  He is a good rider, but has not shown the skill and energy at jousting that his father has demonstrated.
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations