Mountain King

The Mountain King is a position that is filled by one of the six Great Clans of Dwarves that have established homelands in the Gorgomoth Mountains of central Aria. The role of Mountain King is to present a single figure of authority and leadership concerning any and all matters related to Dwarves across the world in general, and the Dwarven Clans of Gorgomoth specifically. The title of Mountain King is a life-time role, and upon the death of the reigning Mountain King, a centuries-old tradition has determined the next Clan to elect or appoint a Mountain King. This way no one Clan or family can control the position for more than one lifetime.   The Mountain King is the ruling authority of all questions concerning Dwarves as a species, a people and a culture but does not hold any authority over specific Clans or families or regions. His authority is very broad and very general, with the exception that he is the accepted supreme leader of any military coalition of the Cities of Gorgomoth in times of war or invasion. if any or all the Dwarven Cities are threatened by attack (as they were last in the Ten Winter War of 107 AF), then the overall command and direction of the Legions of Dwarves is in his hands.   Since the title of Mountain King moves from Clan to Clan over the course of centuries, the seat of the Mountain King is also not permanently tied to one city. Over the last 1,100 years, the individual cities have established halls, districts or palaces specifically for the residence and offices of the Mountain Kings that have come from their specific Clans, and while the title is held by another Clan, the various halls and palaces are maintained and guarded, but not occupied unless the reigning Mountain King visits that particular city.   The current Mountain King is a Clan Redbeard Dwarf that was named Kennit Redbeard, and now is known only by the title Mountain King. This Mountain King is 422 years old (a respectable age, even for Dwarves) and upon his death, the title will pass to the Clan Blackbeard of the City of Thorahl. His primary place of residence is in the City of Dhoros in the palatial Mountain Tower, a large and incredibly impressive pyramid strucutre built on the side of the mountain that covers most of Dhoros.
The reigning Mountain King on his throne in Dhoros.
Royalty, Non-hereditary