Pass Road

The Pass Road (Route de'Col in Arian) is a 50 mile stretch of road that crosses the rugged Nordarak Mountains from west to east at roughly the half-way point of the range.  It has become a vitally important route over the last 15 years, as the booming population of the Town of Uflad and the associated trade and commerce that it brought has necessitated much overland travel between Uflad and the Town of Estril and the Eau del'Est watercourse.


A smooth, relatively gentle pass over the Nordarak Mountains that is wagon-accessible from start to finish.  The pass begins a few miles east of the Town of Uflad and continues for 50 miles at its closest terminus on the east slope of the range.  The uphill ascent peaks at roughly 8,500 feet above the coastal plain at the 20-mile mark, and at this point on the pass, the road actually divides.  The northern downhill road leads directly to the Town of Estril while the southern downhill road is 15 miles shorter and comes down from the heights at the headwaters of the La Col River, which feeds into the Eau del'Est.


Gentle hills on both slopes covered with mountain grass and alder and birch forest.  Cool, dry air most of the year, but snow accumulations are a possibility in the heart of winter, even this far south.

Fauna & Flora

Mountain meadows, birch, alder and spruce forests populated with elk, deer, bear, boar, and all sorts of small game and fowl.  There are at least three significant streams that flow along the pass that are full of trout, eels and turtles.


There are four waystations along the pass, each offering an inn, a stable, a wagon shop and smithy and several homesteads assocaited with each.  None of the four have a population of more than 30 souls.  Beginning at the western end of the pass, these stations are named Maison d'Aulne (Alder House), Maison de Booloe (Birch House), Maison en Peesia (Spruce House, on the northern road to Estril) and  Maison Est (East House, on the southern road to the La Col River).
The western ascent on Pass Road.
A view of the eastern descent towards the La Col River.
Alternative Name(s)
Route de'Col
Location under
Owning Organization