Town of Uflad

Uflad is a booming mining town on the western slope of the Nordarak Mountains at the far end of a mountain pass with the same name.  Uflad has only existed for about 16 years, since a large load of high-grade silver was discovered and the mines opened to exploit it.  The population is currently 14,000 souls, roughly half Human and half Dwarf.  This number is deceptive, however, as the amount of silver being mined is staggering, and it is growing every day.  The town is already approaching the "city" level, and it's popualtion is booming.   Much of the town is constructed in wood and thatch, and the new outer walls are only recently built and mostly unfinished.


Roughly half the popualtion is Human, and the other half is Dwarf, with growing communities of Gnomes and Halflings.


There is a Company Dwarven Legionaires that was formed early on, and it can be completely mustered in as little as five days, but it is not nearly enough if a serious attack was mounted against the town in the very near future.

Industry & Trade

Mining, mining supply and transportation are the primary industries of the town currently, but with the booming population and economy, many operations are trying to gain a foothold here including charcoal production, masonry, cartwrights, carpentry, gardening and farming, entertainment, and shops and suppliers of goods and services.


The town is simply not able to keep up with the growing population.  The original walls of the town have already been mostly dismantled and a new deensive line is being built, but even that is probably not going to be adequate.  Many homes are simply rough sheds, and the demands on building supplies such as lumber, stone, mortar and daub far outpace availability.

Guilds and Factions

With the exploding population, the Town Watch and the Legion are both extremely active within the town walls.  Both tend to enforce the King's peace with gusto, and do not stop to listen to excuses or explanations.


Uflad was a heavily fortified tower and walled enclosure only 20 years ago.  Built to guard the western end of a high, clear pass through the rugged Nordarak Range, there was a short Company of Heavy Foot and perhaps three dozen cottages providing basic services to the soldiers unitl the Uflad load was discovered 16 years ago.  A massive deposit of high-grade silver ore was found, and the town erupted in just a few short seasons.

Points of interest

The booming town is full of inns, taverns and gambling halls all trying to earn a piece of the silver that is pouring out of the mines.  Brothels and fronts for the fencing of stolen goods are also plentiful.
The Town of Uflad
Founding Date
Large town
14,000 and growing
Location under
Owning Organization