Town of Estril

The town of Estril is a busy transportation and supply center for the far eastern region of the County of Daynmor.  It is located on the west bank of the Eau del'Est where the tributary called the La Col River joins the Eau del'Est on its way to the Gulf of Arial.   The town is located at a wide area of the river, which offers a degree of protection from attacks that might come from across the river, with the foothills of the Nordarak Mountains to its west.  The town has a population of just over 10,000 people, and there are another 3,000 living outside the town within a half-day's walk.  The area around the town is a broad, flat aluvial plain that is particularly suited to cereal grain production, and many productive farms have been established there.  Becasue of the remoteness of the town, grain, fruit and meat prices are typically much higher than those found further into the interior of the Kingdom of Aria.


5,500 Humans, 4,000 Halflings, 400 Dwarves, 100 Gnomes.

Industry & Trade

Large warehouses, boat building, sail making, cartwrights, coopers, and farriers abound.  Fisherman, fish packers and poultry farms are also plentiful.  There are also several successful game hunting operations located here that harvest mountain goats and wild sheep from the nearby mountains, as well as deer, elk and bison.


Large focus on river trade and traffic, with many fine wharfs, docks and slips for river craft of all types.  Stone walls surround the town with 30' round towers and two double gatehouses.  Well drained roads paved with river stone.

Points of interest

As this is a trade and shipping center for the region, both via river and road, there are many inns and taverns for travellers and traders.
A wharf on the Eau del'Est in Estril
Location under
Owning Organization