Silver Mountains

The Silver Mountains are a massive range of mountains in the northern regions of the continent.  Stretching from a peninsula into the Easten Sea and extending back more than 1,000 miles into the interior regions, and in some places the range is more than 200 miles north-to-south.  More than 100,000 square miles of rugged, snow and glacier capped peaks more than 2 miles tall.


Beginning in the deep interior of the continent and stretching south and east for more than 1,000 miles to the Eastern Sea at the point of the Silver Cape.  At some points between the Silverwine River and the Cold Hope River, the range is more than 200 miles deep (north to south).  The range is tall, rugged and mostly uninhabited by people.  There are a very few scattered and isolated communities of fishers, hunters and wild nomads (all Human), and some tribes of Orcs, Goblins and Trolls.  The largest populations to live in or around these mountains are the Giants, specifically the Frost Giants and the Storm Giants.


Long, cold and dark winters with short, cold and wet summers.  Much of the higher elevations of the range are covered by glacial ice and snow year-round.

Fauna & Flora

Alpine and sub-alpine forests of pine, alder, birch, and cedar.  Some stands of red oak and maple in valleys and plains.  Plentiful amounts of sheep, mountain goats, moose, elk, caribou, Megaloceros, bison, Auroch and Mastodon, giant beaver, wild boar.  Predatory species include Giant Cave Bear, brown bears, black bears, Cave Lion, Smilodon, cougars, badgers, wolverines, Dire Wolves, gray wolves.  Magical beasts include Wyvern, Dragons, Mountain Giant, Trolls, Ogres and Orc.

Natural Resources

Silver ore is found throughout these mountains, far more than any other location known.  Lead is also plentiful, as is tin, copper and in some areas high-grade iron ore.  There are also large areas where rare minerals and stones are found in abundance: corundum, diamonds, amethyst, topaz and many types of fine marble.
The highest peak in the Silver Mountain Range
Mountain Range
Included Organizations
Related Ethnicities