Rodney Tillman

His Holiness Rodney Tillman

Rodney Tillman is the current Ecclesiast for the Belmar Temple of the Pantheon of Heaven faith.  He is the youngest Ecclesiarch in the Kingdom of Cobal.   His Holiness Rodney is a wealthy Human that has much influence within the faith and within the Ward of Rolar.  He is too young to be an experienced administrator of his Temple and flock, but he has had some very competent priests appointed to assist him in his new duties.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a wealthy family of ranchers in the Ward of Rolar.



Raised to the Ecclesiarchy 4 years ago as the youngest Eccesiarch in the history of the Kingdom.

Contacts & Relations

Because of his family's connections, Rodney has much influence within the Faith and within the Ward.  He has been most generous with his wealth and counts many important people within teh government of Cobal as in his debt.

Wealth & Financial state

Even before his elevation to the Ecclesiarchy, Rodney was staggeringly wealthy.  His family has made several fortunes breeding Cobal Chargers as well as other breeds of destriers and war horses.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
His Holiness
Date of Birth
October 12
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations