Roslyn Duclos (rozlin doo-kloe)

Her Grace, Countess Roslyn Duclos

Roslyn Duclos is the Countess of Aramor, a County in Aria. She is, arguably, one of the most wealthy and powerful individuals in the world, and inarguably the most wealthy and powerful woman in the world. She rules a county that is larger than some nations and is the holder of more personal wealth than any two other individuals in Aria combined. Roslyn's wealth stems from holdings and properties that her family has had for generations, including a massive silver mine in the mountains near Vendural, several very large cotton weaving businesses, four successful and very popular vineyards, and ships that harvest giant kracken from the sea and sell the beast's meat and parts as component material.   She is 64 years old, has notably unattractive features and a famously abrasive personality, yet is still one of the most eligible unwed women in all the known world. She was the only child of the former Count Roche Duclos, who died 8 years earlier at the venerable age of 98.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Quite fat, unattractively tall, but generally quite healthy and expected to live longer than her father.

Facial Features

Sour expression, squinty small eyes, rarely smiles, crooked yellow teeth.

Identifying Characteristics

Quite unattractive, under any circumstances.

Physical quirks

Roslyn is rather clumsy, due mainly to her extremely large feet and wide hips.

Apparel & Accessories

Dresses plainly, often wears pants rather than dresses.

Mental characteristics


Remarkably well read, and has an amazing amount of memorized poetry and literature at her instant recall.

Personality Characteristics


Roslyn knows exactly what she looks like, and hears how people talk about her.  Where this hurt her feelings in her youth, it now drives her to become the most wealthy and powerful woman in the world.

Virtues & Personality perks

Roslyn has a passion for poetry and has volumes of poems memorized.  She loves to read or listen to poetry whenever she can find the time.

Vices & Personality flaws

Prone to becoming very loud when she speaks with any emotion, and her temper is infamous.



225 AF - Present

Contacts & Relations

Roslyn has an interesting relationship with several foreign leaders.  Amongst these are the Duke of Grenwich, the Prince of Fangort, the Archon of Ilion in Naru and Chief of the Forkbeard Clan of Dwarves in the City of Vendural in Gorgomoth.

Family Ties

As the only child of the former Count, Roslyn inherited her father's entire fortune and his title and lands. She has no children, and no close kin.  Roslyn knows that a crisis of succession to the title of Count of Aramor is coming, and has secretly but officially named Thad Duclos, the 22-year-old great-grandchild of her long-dead cousin Remy Duclos, as her only heir and successor to the County title.

Wealth & Financial state

Roslyn is rumored to have more personal wealth than any two other men in the entire Kingdom of Aria.  That rumor is true, and her known revenues number into the millions of urcs per year.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Countess of Aramor
Currently Held Titles
Current Residence
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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