Sara Brewster

Her Honor, Mayor Sara Brewster (a.k.a. Suds)

Sara Brewster is the Mayor of the Town of Redfield in the Ward of Rolar, Government. She is a 38-year-old Halfling female and is one of the wealthiest people in the entire Ward. Besides being Mayor, Sara is also the owner of Redfield Brewery, which is one of the most popular producers of beer and cider in the entire Kingdom. It is even rumored to be a favorite drink of King Mak II of Lesser Imesse.   In the 22 years that Sara has been brewing beer, she has amassed enough of a fortune to be able to pay the two Companies of Rangers that guard the town walls and gates out of her own pocket.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short, stout (even for a Halfling) and very strong.

Body Features

Sara is a beautiful woman, by any standard, but her habit of wearing homespun work clothes and more-than-a-little dirty boots even when she is in her official capacity can mask that beauty.

Facial Features

Rudy fair skin, curly brown hair and a bright, beautiful smile.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sara was the only daughter of Milo and Hailey Brewster, who owned a small and troubled brewery in Redfield. Her mother died in an orc attack when Sara was only eight, and her father was only able to keep the brewery going with the full-time help of his child, Sara. Milo worked himself into an early grave, never reaching the success he kept telling Sara was just around the corner for them. Milo died of a stroke when Sara was only 16.   Sara's prospects were bleak. Her father had garnered a staggering amount of debt since his wife died, and many lenders were eager to get their hands on the brewery and land, but Sara kept working and just managed to pay off the debts before they came due. In the mean time, she had become an accomplished brewer and her beer and cider became quite popular amongst the local inns and taverns. Over the next four years, she continued to work day and night to meet the growing demand for "Redfield" brews. At the age of twenty, she had earned enough money to build a new, bigger brewery that allowed her to double her production. By the age of 23, she had bought the neighboring farm and built a large cooperage. At 27 she owned another cooperage, a hop and barley plantation and a wagon shop where she could have her own freight wagons built and maintained. By her thirtieth birthday, she was earning a staggering 6,000 guilders a month and had 64 people working for her.   When Sara turned 35, the Mayor of Redfield, a Human named Jem Smithson, drowned while on a trip to Jemptal. With no notice or discussion, 1,049 residents of Redfield gathered around the brewery's warehouse and began to chant Sara's name as the next Mayor of Redfield. Sara at first tried to refuse, but the crowd of her friends and neighbors wouldn't stop chanting and clapping, and in the end Sara agreed to allow her name to be sent as a candidate to the Warden in Rolar. Warden Rory Broadshield immediately confirmed the nomination and named her Mayor Sara Brewster.


Sara is completely self educated, and well educated at that.  Her skills at reading and writing are more than adequate, and her ability to tally and track figures and ledgers is almost legendary.


Sara now delegates much of her personal business administration to capable lieutenants and focuses most of her attention on the Town of Redfield, its population and its propserity.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Over the last 20 years, with a lifetime of hard work and dedication to her family's business, Sara has become one of the wealthiest people in the Ward of Rolar.  Her annual profits from her many businesses exceed 50,000 guilders and she now employs nearly 100 people.  She is so wealthy that she secretly pays for all the costs associated with the two full Companies of Rangers that have been raised to guard the town walls and gates from her own purse, rather than the town coffers.

Mental Trauma

The early deaths of her parents and the struggles that she suffered to keep her family business going have toughened Sara to an amazing degree.  She is still haunted by the memories of her father's back-breaking efforts to keep things going after the orc attack that killed her mother.

Intellectual Characteristics

Smart, savvy and just a little hard-around-the-edges.

Morality & Philosophy

She appreciates the value of family, friends and hard work.  She knows first hand what good things can come from an opportunity to earn a fair wage for honest folks.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Sara loves every aspect of brewing beer, but rarely has more than a mug per day.

Vices & Personality flaws

Sara has a very deep hatred of orcs.  This has surfaced most clearly in the manner in which she deals with the town's defensive planning and infrastructure.



She has been Mayor of Redfield for three years.

Contacts & Relations

It goes without saying that Sara is wildly popular with the people of Redfield.  What is less known is that she has an amazing amount of contacts, and even friendships, with very influential people all across the Kingdom... and beyond.  The King of Lesser Imesse, Mak II, has written to Sara personally, several times, to arrange special shipments of his favorite beers and ciders all the way to Southridge.  Three times a year, Sara has to travel to Jemptal to make arrangements for the eleven river barges that are used to ship the needed barrels to the capitol.

Family Ties

Sara never married, and she was an only child.  She has some distant cousins in Colai that she hasn't seen since she buried her father, but otherwise has no close family.

Wealth & Financial state

Sara is very wealthy, but even she isn't sure how wealthy she is.  Her net income per year is well in excess of 50,000 guilders, but she also owns extensive tracts of very productive and profitable farmland, two very busy cooperages, and one of the best wagon shops in the entire Ward.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Her Honor
Date of Birth
September 18
Current Residence
Sandy brown and curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rudy white
105 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations