Town of Redfield

Redfield is located 30 miles north of the City of Rolar near the Redstone hills. Redfield is a town of 3,500 souls that is located at the edge of the Greenbrae Shire and the County of Redstone. It is a large farming community, with a well-established brewing industry that has made the Ward a name recognized across the region in every alehouse, tavern and inn. Redfield Ale and Redfield Cider barrels can be found as far away as Southridge, and fetch high price anywhere. Redfield Brewery is owned by the town’s Mayor, Sara Brewster. She is a 38 year old Halfling widow and is loved by everyone in town. She has become so wealthy from the brewery that she pays for the two Companies of Rangers that guard the town’s walls and roads out of her own purse.   Redfield may be famous for its beers, but it is also a center of trade and transportation, lying at the heart of the Ward and at the joining of the Rolar and Dunwash rivers.  Barge and boat traffic is constant and the roads in and out of the town are routinely busy with the carts and wagons of farmers, traders and merchants moving across the region.


Mainly Halflings and Humans, but there is a growing Gnome community just on the North Road and a number of Dwarves have built businesses along the bank of the Rolar.


Sara Brewster is Mayor, and she has the help of two Ranger Captains, a Watch Captain and a Constabulary.


The town has tall stone and hedge walls, three stone gatehouses, and the Town Hall is a three-story stone blockhouse that boasts walls 4' thick and two ballistae on its turret.

Industry & Trade

Stone wharfs and piers provide for an abundance of river trade and traffic.  Several large cooperages, a fine wagon shop, smithies, lumber mills and a very large and profitable tannery are also found within the town's domains.


Walls, gates and roads are all well maintained and well patrolled.  Cisterns within the town provide a safe, steady supply of drinking water in the event the town has to close the gates.

Guilds and Factions

City Watch, the Ranger Companies, the Gnome Community, and the Druidic Holy House


The Bear's Den Inn is the best inn in Redfield.  Serving (of course) a fine selection of Redfield Beers and Ciders and offering rooms, baths and meals, it is a popular stopping point for visitors and locals alike.  It is named for the monstrous bearskin that hangs from the wall of the inn's common room.  Killed some 55 years earlier by the previous owners, it is the hide and head of a short-faced bear that would have stood an astonishing 15' tall on its hind legs.  Its clearly visible front claws are 7" long and as black and shiny as obsidian.  Its canines are 5" long in the perpetually snarling bear's face.
Winter in Redfield Waterfront District.
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization